Text: Akari Photos: Airelle, Takumi, Akari Models: Cullen, Ken, Shawn, Takumi Edit: Yume Nomura, Cullen
Each of my friends and I originally come from very different parts of the world. We do know that we will be apart at the end. Every time I reunite with friends after several years, I am conscious that this reunion might be the last time I see them in this lifetime. Still, I cannot help but love those who stay with me temporarily, those who share insanely fierce experiences with me, and those who will leave eventually. Writing about friends of mine in my schedule books and collecting things related to them is a way not to remember but to forget. Or if not to forget, to attempt to leave them behind.
Vagabonds, who do not settle down but migrate from place to place, treat a dead person as if they did not exist from the beginning. They do not mention the names of the dead, talk about them, nor keep their property. It is a world where only this life and living people exist. "You and I recognize death and life like vagabonds." My friend who left Japan and studies in a graduate school in Prague once told me, "We do not miss friends at all. We do not even think back on them as if their lives had ever crossed ours.”

Sometimes I take photos of my friends to paste them on my schedule book. These are thephotos of haihatus, a group of artists-in residence in Joutsa, Finland.

2014年のスケジュール帳。強い癖毛でアフロだった若き父の写真と「アフロの自由 人生は変えられる」という朝日新聞のコラム。遺伝で私も父の髪質を受け継ぎました。
My schedule book from 2014. On the right side of my schedule book is the photo of my father whose hair is naturally so curly that he grew his hair into an afro. The left side is anarticle from Asahi newspaper titled "The Freedom of an Afro. You Can Change Your Life". Fortunately or not, I inherited that huge hair from my father.

My schedule book from 2018. I wrote down some things about a Japanese artist on his name card. I happened to meet him at an underground club in Taipei. I also pasted the name card of a bar that we went to together afterwards.
Entering an international high school was the time that I started learning to speak English as a second language by trial and error. At the beginning of my studies, my brain was just like a notebook with fully blank, white pages. In every English conversation I had, I would copy and paste what friends said into the notebook, and then quote phrases from the notebook when I spoke back. I use my friends' catchphrases, unique sayings, irony, heavy sarcasms, jokes, tones, interjections, exclamations, and curses that I have heard from them. Those expressions do remind me of my friends.
In the film “Spirited Away,” one of the characters says, “nothing that happens is ever forgotten, even if you can't remember it.” Whenever I speak English that I originally learned from my friends, I feel their presence in my language.
Lately, I am obsessed with creating tiny tattoo stickers inspired by my friends' unique expressions, and pasting them onto myself or my friends.

We put the tattoo stickers and gold glitter on our faces when we go out every Saturday night to the club.

自分が誰なのか問い続けてきた友達、その答えをきちんと受け止めた上で自分を大切にできる「I LOVE MYSELF」。
He has been questioning himself about who he really is, honestly accepting the answers, and taking care of himself. "I love myself" is his phrase to teach us the importance of self-love.

1979年に出版された和英辞書を母から貰ったのですが、読み物として面白くてよくページを捲っています。載っている例文は間違いではないのですが、表現が古かったり堅苦しかったりして、その連続はまるで詩や短編や哲学の引用文集のようです。「面倒臭い」の英訳が「difficulties arise」と書いてあるのをルームメイト見つけた時は大爆笑し、以来トラブルが発生する度に使っています。
He enjoys reading a Japanese-English dictionary that my mother bought in 1979. Though the example sentences are not incorrect, they are often too outdated or formal to use nowadays, which makes the progression of the sentences like poems, short stories, and even philosophical quotes. Ever since he saw the phrase "difficulties arise" as the translation of “面倒臭い(troublesome)," and laughed so hard, he kept saying "difficulties arise!" whenever he was in a tough situation.

A friend of mine who loves having bodily contact with women always says "let me touch you.” Putting his Thai massage license to use, he massages my super stiff shoulders using his elbows. He and another friend divided the tattoo sticker "尊厳(dignity)" into "尊(respected)" and “厳(dignified)," and they each put a character under their left eye, which I thought was an adorable idea.

偶然台北の屋外のライブで耳にして以来、欅坂48の“エキセントリック”がカラオケの十八番の友達「eccentric」。サビはいつも皆でシャウトしています。「I! AM! ECCENTRIC! 変わり者でいい!」
He likes a song called “Eccentric” by Keyakizaka48 so much that he sings it in karaoke all the time. We love screaming the lyric together, “I! AM! ECCENTRIC! It is totally fine to be a weirdo!”
"Rage" is the title of the film that inspired him the most, as well as it being the source of energy for his life.

"Lightness" is the keyword of his life.
This hegemonised society keeps attaching labels to people from the time that they're born, and insists on dividing them into two groups: male or female, Japanese or foreigner, white or colored, winner or loser, heterosexual or homosexual, etc. But what would happen if your identity did not fit into one of those two groups? Could you hear the "noise" that echoes from inside of you, or would you be scared, hate, exclude the “noise,” and fall silent?
Thorough destruction. I want to remove all the labels and get completely naked. I want to tear the wall down. I want to re-paste onto ourselves the genuine identities that we truly find representative and comfortable. I will continue to explore and express my fluid and multi-sided identities without clear names dictated by society. I will continue to question how these identities were formed and how they are going to change. It is my attitude not only toward my identities but also towards others' as well: to not judge people by their labels, but to continue to listen, observe, and try to understand them through their own voice.
My tattoo stickers visualize the integration of my friends' expressions into mine, as well as the re-labelling of our identities. Our inherent words are the punk, riot, rebellion, emancipation, and originality. Although I will forget about those I love by writing about them on my schedule books, their words will remain in my language as long as I speak them. It is the proof that we have listened to each other's uniqueness and individuality. It is all the memories we can no longer recall.